2015 - 2014 |
21. November, 2015 |
Derecske - ability test, AutumN All round test,
breeding license (Hungary) |
Halston Avas's Seckret of Greyshadov
Weimmaraner: 280/228 points
Rissanna Hillwod's Perfectly Mastered
Weimaraner: 280/236 points |
31. October, 2015 |
Tótkomlós - All round test (Hungary) |
Hunter Pasion Akitta:
German Short-haired
pointer |
17. October, 2015 |
Derecske - ability test, AutumN All round test (Hungary) |
L' ombre Du Chasseur Arlie:
autumn test (Solms) 280/280 maximum points
Halston Cool:
ability test (Derby) 108 maximum points |
10-11. October, 2015 |
Regensburg VGP |
Magnum Hunter Jack (Royal):
1. prize 309 points |
26. September, 2015 |
hunting ability test (Hungary) |
ability test (Derby)
1. prize 108 points |
20. September, 2015 |
Slovakia |
Magnum Hunter Jack (Royal)
short-haired pointer:
1. prize, 227 points
Athena Von Der Sattnitz
- LH Weimarener:
1. prize, 205
13. September, 2015 |
Gesztered - autumn all round test (Hungary) |
Athena Von Der Sattnitz (LH Weimarener):
2. prize, 258/280
Ripsnorter`s reign Maker At Halston
(WH German Pointer):
1. prize, 267/280 points |
22. August, 2015 |
Martonfa - ability test, AutumN All round test (Hungary) |
Magnum Hunter Jack "Royal"
short-haired pointer):
1. díj, 276/280 pont
Hunter Pasion Akita
short-haired pointer):
1. díj, 267/280 pont
15. August, 2015 |
hunting photos! |
15. August, 2015 |
Rákocziujfalu - AutumN All round test, basic test, breeding license |
Helvècia Vadasz Erdesz
2. prize, 247 points
Harsànyi Tekergõ Apròd
2. prize, 236 points |
8. August, 2015 |
Chernelházadamonya - Derby (Hungary) |
Athena Von Der Sattnitz
long-haired Weimaraner 106/108 point 1. Prize
Nathan Oberon Haus
short-haired German pointer 108/108 point 1. Prize |
7. July, 2015 |
Ceglédbercel - basic test, breeding license,
water-field exam |
Harsanyi Tekergo Apród:
basic hunting test 116 points,
Erdész: water-field
exam I.
prize, 249 points |
20. June, 2015 |
Surianky JSS |
Ivy Moon Eyes |
1. June, 2015 |
25. April, 2015 |
Neufdorf -
Osterreichischer-Jagdgebrauchshunde-Verband (Austria) |
Osterreich Weimaraner Verein, Anlagenprufung
Athena Von Der Sattnitz |
25. April, 2015 |
Derecske (Hungary) - hunting ability test (VJP) |
L`ombre Du Chasseur Arline (DK) 1. prize 108 maximum point
Casa De Juno Tequilla Sunrise
(Weim) 1. prize 108 maximum point
Helvecia Vadasz Erdesz "Vitez" 2.
prize 93 point
Kertészné Bakó Zsuzsa, Dan Laszlo
28. March, 2015 |
Gesztered (Hungary) - hunting ability test (VJP) |
Halston Avas Secret Garden Of Greyshadow
Weimaraner 1. Prize 108/108 point
Magnum Hunter Jack (Royal) Dk 1. Prize 108/108 point |
8-9. November, 2014 |
Oberfranfen (Germany) - VGP, BTR |
13. September, 2014 |
Nyíregyháza Autumn Breeding test / HZP |
Ivy Moon Eyes
successful with maximum
280/280 points!
11. September, 2014 |
Kék - basic hunting test |
Vom Hege-Wald Aris
successful. |
23. August, 2014 |
Martonfa all hunting test |
Arko Vom Dianahugel
passed the exam with
346 points in 1st prize and resulting in 2nd
placemant. |
7. June, 2014 |
Komárom CACIB dog show (Hungary) |
CAC, CACIB & Best of Opposite Sex |
1. June, 2014 |
Nyíregyháza CAC dog show (Hungary) |
Junior BOB as 10 months old! Judged by Dr. Zsuzsanna
Váczi-Balogh |
31. May, 2014 |
Onga -
FIELD - water EXAM |
Arko vom Dianahügel -
268/ 258 points
Axl vom Dianahügel -
268/ 253 points |
17. May, 2014 |
Gödöllő -
Cact Cacit exam |
Axl vom Dianahügel -
1. prize 56 points
Arko vom Dianahüge -
2. prize 59 points |
29. March, 2014 |
- VJP Hungary |
Granitehill Not For Sale Weimaraner SH 2. prize
Granitehill Vesting Order
Weimarener LH 2. prize
Rissanna Hilwoods Perfectly Mastered Weimaraner SH 2. prize
Ivy Moon Eyes GSP 1. prize
Hunting Test
successes! |
successful Passed the VAV Basic Hunting Test! |
Arko von Dianahügel
german wire-haired pointer
Axl von Dianahügel
german wire-haired pointer
Granitehill Vesting Order weimaraner
Aurin St. Martin weimaraner short-haired
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