2013 - 2010

24. October, 2013


Székely - VAV Basic Hunting Test

Ivy Moon Eyes (german short-haired pointer) and Rudi (short-haired hungarian vizsla)


13. October, 2013


Békéscsaba - AutumN All round test and all working  test

Axl vom Dianahugel passed his exam with 280/275 pionts!


5. October, 2013


Baja - AutumN All round test and ability  test

Arko von Dianahügel german wire-haired pointer - passed the all round test 276/280 1. prize and
You Can Touch As Soon As The Sun Goes Down bracco italiano passed the ability test 108/108 1. prize,
with maximum points.



14. September, 2013


Mogyoród - Hunting ability test (VJP)

Karaszi Pipacs - short-haired hungarian vizsla: maximum points 108/108
Audry St. Martin -
short-haired weimaraner: maximum points 108/108


7. September, 2013


Nyíregyhaza hunting ability test

Axl von Dianahugel & Arko von Dianahugel are both passed their exam in 1st prize.



5. September, 2013


rabbit hunting

Axl von Dianahugel & Furdohazi Vackor are both worked very hard and successful on the hunting.


September, 2013


rabbit & pigeon hunting

Our friend Árpád Nagy was inviting us to a rabbit & pigeon hunting and we accepted it with pleasure.
It was the first rabbit hunting to
Vackor & Alex but they worked so nice and very hard.



24. August, 2013


Martonfa All round TEST

Aranyszabja-Földi Zseni passed her exam successful in 2nd prize!



30. May, 2013


6. April, 2013


Szabadszállás - Breeding licence and hunting ability test

Öregtemplomi Blue german wire-haired pointer female maximum points - 108/108 points
Drávavölgyi Vöröslaki Alex
german shorthaired pointer male - 108/98 points

Congratulations to the breeders and owners!


27. March 2013





Click on the photo to open the gallery!


27. March 2013


THE VIDEO PAGE IS UPDATED with some new videos!!



27. March 2013




Some new dogs in the References page - click here! >>


18. January 2013





15. January 2013


new working photos - autumn & winter



8. November 2012




27. October 2012



Quandom von Isenseer Kajedeich (german sh. pointer male) finished with 350 points, 1st prize
Kappahegyi Aida (german sh. pointer female) with 341 points, 2nd prize.

Congratulations to the breeders and owners!


6. October 2012


martonfa - waTer-field competition

Kappahegyi Aida Trendy got 2nd prize and Best Field Work Award!


22. September 2012


field-water exam, Breeding licence and hunting ability test in Békéscsaba

Jorbaháti Nimród Janó "Teddy" (german sh. pointer male): hunting ability test 1. prize (104 points), breeding licence! Aranyszabja-Földi Zeusz "Betyár" (german sh. pointer male): field-water exam 2. prize (261 points), brreding licence!




1. September 2012


Nyíregyháza - AutumN All round TEST

Organized by the Wire-haired Hungarian Vizsla Club at Nyíregyháza (Hungary):
Kappahegyi Aida german shorthaired pointer female - 252 points - 1st prize
Quando Vom Isenseer Kajedeich german shorthaired pointer male 249 points - 1st prize

Congratulations to the breeders and owners!


25. August 2012


Naszály - Natural hunting ability test, Field-water trial, Breeding licence

Tőzegparti Vadász Aida: breeding licence, field-water trial: 280/280 (max.points), 1st prize!!
Shininglose Bozsó
: hunting ability test: 108/108 (max. points) 1st prize, breeding licence!
Judges: Tünde Bajorhegyi, Károly Konyecsnyi, Zsuzsanna Dr. Váczi-Balogh

Congratulations to the breeders and owners!


16. August 2012


Vaja - VAV Basic Hunting Test

Durlich Wirehaired German Pointer male and Pötyi Hungarian Wirehaired Vizsla
female were both passed their exams and did an excellent job with succesfull work!

Well done to both of them and to their owners!


4. August 2012



Aranyszabja -Földi Zseni german shorthaired pointer female passed the exam with full points 280/280 points!
Zseni is owned and loved by István Gergely and trained and handled by myself!



13. June 2012





26. May 2012


Miskolc - WATER & FIELD trial

Qando vom Isenseer Kajedeich overcame the obstacles successfully,
so he performed 1st prize the requirements with 247 points!




19. May 2012


Szekszárd - hunting ability & breeding licence

Tőzegparti Vadász Ada 108/108 max points
Aranyszabja-Földi Zeusz 108/108 max points
Aranyszabja-Földi Zseni 108/108 max points

In spite of the hot weather and high steam in the air the dogs performed well the exercises!



28. April 2012


Martonfa - WATER & FIELD trial

A water and field trial were organized by the Wire-haired Hungarian Vizsla Club at Martonfa (Hungary).
In spite of the hot weather
Sándorlaki Vadász Áfonya german wire-haired pointer female got 268/242 points and
passed in 1st prize.
Kappahegyi Aida overcame the obstacles successfully with 268/258 points and got also 1st prize!

congratulations for both dogs and their breeders!




22. April 2012


GYULA - CAC dog show

Kappahegyi Aida was so clever in the ring and won CAC.
With this new result she got the HUNGARIAN CHAMPION title!

congratulations for aida and her breeder!


14. April 2012


BÉKÉSCSABA - hunting ability test

In spite of the bad weather they overcame difficulties well and passed examination successful:

1. Rákóczifalvi Vadász Berci - german wire-haired pointer male
2. Királyerdő Úti Vadász Panka - german shorthaired pointer female
3. Micskei Gigi - german shorthaired pointer male

well done!


07. April 2012



Tőzegparti Vadász Aida-  in spite her young age - overcame the obstacles
successfully and finished with "GOOD" classification!

congratulations clever girl!


24. March 2012


SZABADSZÁLLÁS  - hunting ability test

On 24th March at the Hunting Ability Test organized by German Vizsla Club
Tőzegparti Vadász Aida & Királyerdő Úti Vadász Sziporka both carried out successful
and got the maximum 108 points!

congratulations for both dogs!


22. October 2011


szekszárd - CACIT, CACT waTer-field competition

 Malomközi Janka german shorthaired pointer female: 232 points - 3/c


8. October 2011


baja - Breeding licence, hunting ability test, AutumN All round TEST

Malomközi Janka german shorthaired pointer female: 369 points 1st prize

Congratulations to the breeder and owner!


1. October 2011


Babatpuszta - hunting ability test, AutumN All round TEST

Sándorlaki Vadász Áfonya german wire-haired pointer female: 260/260 maximum points 1st prize
Cankói Gigi german wire-haired pointer female: 256/260 points 1st prize

Congratulations to the breeders and owners!


10. September 2011


tótkomlós - Breeding licence, hunting ability test, AutumN All round TEST

Visnyei Vadász Ibolya german shorthaired pointer female Autumn all round test: 248/280 points 2nd prize
Granitehill Nine One One
weimaraner male 230/280 points 2nd prize


28. August 2011


kaposvár - Breeding licence, hunting ability test, AutumN All round TEST

Rábcaparti Dönci Rövidszőrű german pointer male Autumn all round test: 276/280 points 1st prize
Gimmy Di Nisida
spinone italiano male hunting ability test: 108 points 1st prize


13. August 2011


nyíregyháza - Breeding licence, hunting ability test, AutumN All round TEST

Malomközi Janka german shorthaired pointer female: 249 points 2nd prize & breeding licence


4. June 2011


Miskolc - waTer-field test

Vajdazugi Brigi german wire-haired pointer female: 249 points 1st prize


28.May 2011


CEGLÉD - Breeding licence & hunting ability test

Jana Von Mátra german wire-haired pointer female: 76 points 2nd prize


9. April 2011


NYÍREGYHÁZA - hunting ability test

Ada Z. Potonskej Luky german shorthaired pointer female: 93 points 2nd prize


24. April 2010


TÓTKOMLÓS - Breeding licence & hunting ability test

Visnyei Vadász Ibolya german shorthaired pointer female: 92 points 1st prize
Rábcaparti Derűs
german shorthaired pointer male: 92 points 2nd prize


10. April 2010


NYÍREGYHÁZA - Breeding licence & hunting ability test

Rábcaparti Dönci german shorthaired pointer male: 108 points 1st prize
Visnyei Vadász Irma
german shorthaired pointer female: 108 points 1st prize



The first steps...


